Radiant Energy and Overunity (an anonymous article) states:
At a given voltage and pulse length any coil will deliver OU as an EMP, as the magnetic field generated from the pulse collapses within the coil.My own addition to this point is that radiant energy enters the system during the make and break of the pulse -- not JUST during the final pulse collapse. The collapse is only significant in that it gives you a moment to receive radiant energy in a high voltage form (a window or gate in time). Also in the case of continuous oscillations (instead of individual pulses), OU can be achieved as long as the oscillations occur at the circuit's natural resonant frequency with voltage and current 90 degrees out of phase so that standing waves can be formed and reactive power can be optimized thereby acting as a gate for energy to come into the system (This is an impedance issue). Understanding the theory behind this is one thing, but implementing it is another. The challenge is switching.
The switch is the heart of most Radiant Energy OU systems. If you can't control the frequency or pulses in the system, you can't control the gating of energy. Nikola Tesla employed mechanical switches in the form of high-speed rotary commutators in the 1800s. In the 1900s, the introduction of vacuum tubes made extremely fast motionless systems possible. Today, vacuum tubes are expensive and hard to find. Mechanical methods work well if built properly, but not everyone has the equipment and expertise required to meet the conditions required. We turn to semiconductor technology for the solution.
Getting Started with Semiconductors
1 - If you have little or no radio circuit experience, building high frequency circuits with semiconductors can be daunting. I recommend learning some basics of electronics and electrical engineering to get familiar with common components and the minute details involved. Here are some good sites to start with:
- http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/index.html
- http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/index.htm
- http://library.thinkquest.org/10784/circuit_symbols.html
- http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/
- http://www.talkingelectronics.com/te_interactive_index.html
3 - There are tedious rules to mind. Accept that you're going to have to learn them if you don't want to tear your hair out later when you're not sure what's going on. Example: The common silicon diode has a 0.7 voltage drop. If you've need 5 volts and you want to pass it through a diode, you get 4.3 volts on the other side. Not everything is obvious and intuitive. Hence the reason for Tip #2 above.
4 - A breadboard is a must. You must have a way to easily connect components together as you experiment and soldering will drag you down.
Ok so finally to the main point of this post. You're going to have to learn how fast switches and oscillators work. If you want, you can buy devices already built -- such as signal generators and pulse width modulators. But when that doesn't cut it, you're going to have to build from scratch. An in-depth coverage of how different switching mechanisms work is not in the scope of this writing. What follows is an overview of different mechanisms with some links to implementations. Its up to you to learn the details of how these work and which ones are needed for your application.
Basic Switches
There are many types of simple switches for opening and closing a circuit. If all you want to do is turn a circuit on and off rapidly, a simple switch with some kind of controller to flip it rapidly is what you need. In a lot of research, you will find people talking about signal generators or radio frequency generators that produce pure sine waves. But for most applications, you don't need to be putting a certain wave into the system. You usually just need to time how often and for what length of time you apply pulses of voltage. Common switching mechanisms include:
- Reed Switch -- Closes in the presence of magnetic field.
- Transistor -- Semiconductor with high durability -- the workhorse of many systems.
- Mosfet -- Semiconductor with high speed and low power loss. Hint: Only blocks current in one direction because of "body diode."
- Commutator -- Brushes against a spinning wheel make and break the connection based on RPMs.
- Spark Gap -- When voltage is high enough, it discharges across the gap.
- Rotary Spark Gap -- Voltage jumps between gaps on a spinning wheel.
555 Timers
The popular 555 Timer IC can be wired as a triggered switch or as a pulser (look for schematics on "astable" operation) with variable duty cycle (length of pulse). Of all the methods above, this may be your best bet for an easy way to create single pulses and adjust the time between pulses. The 555 creates virtually perfect square waves with "instant" on-off. Information on 555 circuits can be found all over the place and the theory of operation is simple to understand for someone new to electronics. Common use of the 555 for an OU circuit would be to connect pin 3 (Output) to the gate of a Mosfet to turn on and off your main circuit, but there are many other ways to use it.
http://home.cogeco.ca/~rpaisley4/LM555.html#1 -- Read Reset and Control notes. Then search the page for "astable".
BUY A KIT! You can BUY the kit above at their site. Its CHEAP and WORTH IT! :) Search the following purchase page for the square wave oscillator: http://www.talkingelectronics.com/AllKitsWithPics/AllKitsWithPics.html
Blocking Oscillator
Probably the simplest circuit to produce square waves (though the waves may not be perfectly square, which could be problematic depending on your application). This is cheaper than an astable 555 circuit. But it might be a little more confusing to understand since it utilizes a feedback loop to control oscillations.
Flip-Flops and Multivibrators
Energy flows through one side of a circuit until a trigger flips that side off and the other side on. Useful for switching one device on at the same moment you switch another off. For continuous "back-and-forth" flipping, you want to operate them in "astable" mode. You can also think of this as two square-wave generators that are 180 degrees out of phase. The problem with these circuits is that the leading edge of the pulse has a slight curve to it and the more you adjust the resistances in the circuit, the greater the distortion becomes. It can easily become so distorted that you just have a series of curves with no flat tops.
LC Oscillators
These are the heart of most radio communications. They produce a pure sine wave when designed properly. For a lot of OU devices, square waves or even distorted square waves work fine, but there a peculiar conditions where sine waves work fantastic and square waves completely fail (Look up the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier).
Digital Inverters and Clippers to create Square Waves
Some people have suggested that the best method for creating clean square waves with a high frequency is to use an LC oscillator and run the output through a digital inverter or similar device to create perfect square output. I have little information on this technique at the time and will leave research to the reader.
Now Get to It!
The above information should get you started with rapid switching. Once you have applied a working switch to a system, you must adjust its timing as part of a tuning process. Without proper adjustment, it will be very difficult to exceed a CoP of 1.0. This is really a mad science art that takes lab experience, patience, and careful operation. Know your switching techniques and test them wisely.
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